York Theatre Company




JoAnn Cunningham

JoAnn Cunningham

Authors Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt in The Show Goes on at the York Theatre

When (Schmidt) sits down to play—my God, the same sharp, clean attack, the same dexterity, the same light touch, the same rhythmic urgency the same meticulous conception. The thrill of being there before him and his partner—and the sense of privilege—is in all ways indistinguishable from what it was in the reconverted church.
— Aisle Say, David Spencer

Emma Lampert, Tom Jones, Harvey Schmidt, J. Mark McVey & Emma Lampert

The company performs Celebration in The Show Goes On

This revue of the works of Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt has the feel of an intimate, sophisticated cabaret.
— The American Reporter, Lucy Komisar

Authors Tom Jones and Harvey Schmdt in rehearsal

Show Goes On rehearsal

J. Mark McVey

Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, who have been entertaining the public over five decades are at it again. And New York is the richer for it.
— The New York Times, Lawrence Van Gelder

JoAnn Cunningham, Tom Jones, Harvey Schmidt, J. Mark McVey and Emma Lampert

J. Mark McVey, JoAnn Cunningham, Emma Lampert

The real stars of this show are Jones, Schmidt and their captivating music.
— The New York Times, Lawrence Van Gelder

Emma Lampert, Tom Jones, Harvey Schmidt, JoAnn Cunningham and J. Mark McVey

A friendly celebration of words and music by a timeless team.
— The Star-Ledger, Michael Sommers

JoAnn Cunningham, J. Mark McVey, Emma Lampert, Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt

The smartest decision of all here was to have the songwriters themselves on stage, at the center of the festivities.
— In Theater Magazine, Michael Portantiere

Show Goes On full company


Theatre Talk interview with Tom Jones & Harvey Schmidt Show Goes On and Career

Emma Lampert

Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt

Songwriters Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt can’t help entertaining everyone. …their sentimental humor and gentle nature can always be counted on.
— Time-out New York, Sam Whitehead

Show Goes On full company in rehearsal

It has a company of only five, but no more are needed – three very attractive performers singing the songs accompanied by the adamantly silent composer (Mr. Schmidt) at the piano, and the compulsively, and charmingly loquacious lyricist, Mr Jones as narrator and raconteur extraordinaire.
— New York Law Journal, Martin Gottfried

Director Drew Scott Harris in rehearsal


Set Design by James Morgan


Drawing of Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt
performing in The Show Goes On

by Adam Lowenbein for The New Yorker