October 14, 2023


October 14, 2023: Hosted by Rob Morris, marking the 60th Anniversary of the Harvey Schmidt and Tom Jones musical 110 In The Shade, based on the N. Richard Nash play The Rainmaker. The broadcast includes selections from the original 1963 Broadway cast recording, preceded by an archival interview from 2020 with the Tony Award nominated lyricist and librettist Tom Jones talking about the musical. The broadcast concludes with a selection of demo and studio recordings of songs from the double CD album Jones & Schmidt: Hidden Treasures, 1951 –2001, including performances by Tom and Harvey.




 Photos from Recording Session for Complete Recording:

Harvey Schmidt, Karen Ziemba, John Yap and Dan Shaheen

Karen Ziemba and Harvey Schmidt in rehearsal

Composer Harvey Schmidt and leading lady Karen Ziemba

Karen Ziemba rehearses with Harvey Schmidt

Harvey Schmidt in rehearsal with Karen Ziemba

Karen Ziemba, Harvey Schmidt and Dan Shaheen

Licensing information regarding 110 IN THE SHADE can be found at Concord Theatricals.